Christophe Michalak’s recipe (quick and easy) for coffee-chestnut tiramisu

Christophe Michalak's recipe (quick and easy) for coffee-chestnut tiramisu

Tiramisu is certainly the favorite dessert of coffee lovers. And with Christophe Michalak’s express recipe, they will be able to treat themselves in just a few minutes.

To add a little original touch, the 2005 World Pastry Champion adds chestnuts to his dessert.

Preparation time : 5 min.


Ingredients :

– A box of boudoirs or spoon cookies

– A coffee, espresso if possible

– 100 g of whipping cream

– 100 g of mascarpone

– 20 g caster sugar

– 1 egg

– Powdered sugar

– A bar of milk or dark chocolate

– 1 spoon of cocoa

step 1

Put a nice spoonful of chestnut cream in a glass.

step 2

Soak dry cookies in espresso coffee (possibility to add a zest of yellow lemon).

step 3

Mix the whipping cream, mascarpone, caster sugar and egg and whisk together.

step 4

Put the preparation at least one hour in the refrigerator to obtain a nice mousse like a sabayon.

step 5

Place in glass, sprinkle with chocolate chips, sprinkle with powdered sugar and cocoa.

step 6

Set aside another hour in the refrigerator before serving.

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