Italian espresso coffee soon to be a Unesco World Heritage Site?

Italian espresso coffee soon to be a Unesco World Heritage Site?

The symbol of Italian culture is being considered for inclusion in the prestigious Unesco World Heritage list, reports “La Repubblica”.

Enjoyed by a large number of fans around the world, Italian espresso coffee could soon become a Unesco World Heritage Site. As reported by the Italian daily La Repubblica and relayed by Courrier International, the Italian Ministry of Agricultural and Food Policies, Stefano Patuanelli, unveiled the candidacy of this iconic symbol of Italian culture to Unesco’s World Heritage List on Wednesday, March 17.

The transalpine newspaper points out that three billion cups of espresso coffee are drunk every day in the world and that its market generates 10,000 jobs and a turnover of five billion euros. Italian coffee is distinguished both for its production methodology and for its industrial production of espresso coffee machines, which became widespread after a refinement of a patented prototype presented at the Paris World Fair in 1855.

Verdict expected after March 31

More than a coffee shop, it is the tradition that is highlighted in the application, as well as its symbol of sociability that makes it one of the brightest sectors of the country’s food and beverage. In the list of intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO, espresso coffee would join the French gastronomy, Neapolitan pizza or Croatian gingerbread. After the deadline for applications, scheduled for March 31, UNESCO will be called upon to decide whether or not to include Italian espresso coffee in its world heritage list.

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